Storage managers' crystal ball
500G Advanced Technology Attachment disk drives will reduce the price of disk storage.
Tape products with at least 300G will keep the traditional archive media competitive.
Extremely high-capacity holographic storage media will soon emerge from vendor labs.
Power- and heat-minimizing Massive Array of Idle Disks technology will allow more disks in a single cabinet, boosting storage density.
Storage-area network (SAN) filer devices will deliver fast and convenient file-based access to multivendor SANs.
Information life cycle management software will automatically move data to the most cost-
effective storage resource based on the data's business value.
Standards-based device management tools will facilitate the administration of multivendor
storage environments.
Affordable 10 Gigabit Ethernet over copper cable will offer new options for moving high-volume storage traffic.
Remote Direct Memory Access over IP will provide a new standards-based option for high-performance clustering systems.
NEXT STORY: USPTO awards data capture contract