Juniper's Star Wars connection

Each week, Mark Amtower sends out his always fun to read weekly e-mail on government IT marketing. In case you didn't catch this item from this week's newsletter:

Item: Juniper continues to think out of the box. Last Thursday Juniper rented a movie theatre in Bethesda for an early show of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. Over 50 attendees showed up before the 6:45 AM registration time, and more after. One attender wrote: It was a lively fun event with no sales presentation - but just a quick 4 minute flash demo running right before the movie - which received applause as it was a Star Wars type demo that had the little Juniper rocket man shooting the big bad ship that was Cisco - and showed it falling down off the screen - gotta love it!

Amtower comment: Sorry I missed this one. I will find out how many attendees were Feds (this gratuity would be inside the ethical limit – even with popcorn) and report more on this soon. I love the Juniper cartoons (a la The Farside) and the entire campaign. It takes guts to champion a program like this.

NEXT STORY: Disclosures