Keeping ones head out of the sand...

To be honest, I don't know how much of that is true. I just don't know. Without a doubt, the media -- and just about everybody else, which raises the whole 'chicken and the egg' question -- bought into the dot-com mania. Perhaps that is why we see so many 'housing bubble' stories these days. It gives the press an out. "See, we were raising the red flags!"Here at Federal Computer Week, we are always trying to stay aware. A publication always wants to stay ahead of the curve, of course, because there is nothing more tedious then reading 19th story on the dot-com crash or the housing bubble. Staying ahead of that curve is not always easy.When I am out and about, I do occasionally hear people say that we represent the government too much, but then again I also hear that we are too critical.The area that causes me the greatest concern is it is easy for us to get tech-centric. It is easy to fall into a technology clique. It is important that we not fall into the same issues that confront some techies -- they speak a language of their own.But, as always, I'm interested in your assessment. As always, you can post your comment here... or send me an .

The NYTimes's David Carr had an interesting column yesterday about the tough times for business magazines. He specifically talks about Fortune, Forbes, and BusinessWeek, but as the executive editor of a business magazine, I read it with great interest.

The crux:

Skeptical readers now reserve special distrust for the business press, which blew air into faux companies and created princes out of people who turned out to be frogs, and felonious ones at that.


Correction: Spelling of "occasionally" fixed.

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