Why Blog?

So FCW is blogging — finally! Blogs have been around for a bit — in fact there an estimated 50 million blogs out there right now, according to a blog about blogs. And that number jumps every date. No doubt some of you have blogs.

When Web logs emerged, we asked what we wanted to do. We know that people are busy and, we asked, do they really need another voicing coming at them every day? Clearly, we decided that you do! But the fun things about blogs is that they are a work in progress. And that will be true here as well.

I'm not sure I want to set out a goal for the blog. I think it can be a place where we can offer some insight into how a story — why we covered it the way we did. How did we choose the cover?

We also end up reading a lot every day as we put this publication together. We will also bring you some of those — some recommended reads, perhaps. Some of those will come from a morning note that I send out to the FCW staff each morning that looks at stories that may have flown below the radar or that are interesting for some reason. Some of those stories will follow some of my passions – media issues, technology, gadgets… but I'll try to keep it as government technology – or at least technology — related as possible.

And we can respond to your questions, issues, concerns, comments, opinions, complaints, compliments, etc. Of course, you can call me – or anybody on the editorial staff. And my inbox is always available a cdorobek@fcw.com. Editor in chief John Monroe can be reached at jsmonroe@fcw.com. We will address your comments wherever and whenever possible. (Oh! And if you put "Blog:…" in the subject line, it will ensure that messages don't get caught in with spam.)

Most of these writings will be unedited. So I hope that you will excuse any unartful writings. They often say that when a lawyer represents himself in court, the person has the worst client and the worst attorney. Perhaps the same may be said for editors. We'll sure will see.

That leads to an obvious question — how often will this blog be updated. I hope to post something just about every day. We'll see how it goes.

So… let's do it.