And people worry about IT security???

Fell off the truck on the to a credit-reporting bureau? Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up!It is interesting to note that almost none of these cases have been traditional IT security issues. They do raise the link between security and privacy, don't they?

This from the's afternoon e-mail newsletter:

Citigroup Loses Customer Data
To the long and growing list of companies who have seen reams of personal data on customers and employees lost or stolen, add Citigroup. The world's biggest bank said computer tapes with information on about 3.9 million customers fell off the truck, apparently, on their way to a credit-reporting bureau. United Parcel Service was in charge of transporting the data. Citigroup played down the fraud risk of the data loss, saying the only customers affected were U.S. CitiFinancial customers who had already received their loans. Time Warner, MCI, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and many more companies, universities and other organizations have reported similar data breaches in recent months, raising the hackles of consumer groups pressing for greater regulation and safeguarding of sensitive personal information.


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