Armitage joins ManTech

The former deputy secretary of state is now a director of the systems integrator, whose clients include the State, Defense and Homeland Security departments.

Richard Armitage, former deputy secretary of state, has joined the board of directors of ManTech International.

ManTech officials announced Armitage's appointment today. The systems integrator has customers in intelligence agencies and the Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State departments, among others.

"Richard Armitage has extensive experience in national security issues and international relations," said George Pedersen, ManTech's chairman and chief executive officer, in a written statement. "He is highly regarded throughout the U.S. government for his diplomatic skills, knowledge of international issues and his long and successful career of public service. With his previous experience serving on our International Advisory Board, he has enormous insight into our corporation's capabilities and operations, and he will be a tremendous strategic asset as we grow the company."

Armitage founded Armitage International in March 2005 and serves as its president. He served as deputy secretary of state from March 2001 to February 2005. In the 1980s and 1990s he held a variety of diplomatic positions, and for a time was president of Armitage Associates, a worldwide business and public policy firm.

From June 1983 to May 1989, he was assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. Prior to that, he was deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia and Pacific affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

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