Blog tease...

Just an update... I have not posted an true 'insider' intem in a bit and instead have been providing some interesting things that seem worth reading. (The one about whether agencies can/should/ought to be a 'fun, fun, fun' workplace has generated several comments, as you might imagine.) This is not a change in the use of the blog. That being said, I don't want this post to become too focused on us. (Bette Midler's quote: Enough about me, what do you think of me?) And we do want to talk technology, policies, management issues.

Things have also been busy around the office. Our Web editor gave notice this week. He is going to We wish his all the best, of course. He has been with FCW for almost two years and has carried out many of the changes in the Web site. His departure, however, has left us rethinking our Web strategy and how we approach the Web. I won't go through that here other than to say that this is an issue that all publications are dealing with. [See 'Newspapers look to the future.'] And no, the Web site is not going away.

As soon as we move beyond brainstorming and come up with a real strategy, we'll share it with you.

That being said, this strategizing sure takes time... and I have another full-time job of getting the issue out every week... and posting here! Whew! Where is that 25th hour in the day that I requested?

I also have been penning a post about how we come up with our editorials that was generated by a note from one of the people on our copy desk. I'll try to finish that soon as well.