Blogging policies

Many organizations are beginning to set blogging policies. So... giving credit where credit is due, my colleague Susan Miller, who among other things is , that the Defense Department in Iraq (technically Headquarters, Multi-National Corps, Iraq) has set out a . The document, dated April 6, 2005, says blogs must be registered... and, of course, no classified nor privacy information can be discussed.It is a fascinating issue.And... I'm curious... does your organization (public or private sector) have a policy that you know of? Should it? Or should it not? Do you blog or not blog because of the potential risks? And if you know of soldier blogs, I would really love to read 'em.Meanwhile, I'm forwarding the memo to our DOD reporters.

USAToday yesterday had a story about the dangers of blogging.

Warning: Your clever little blog could get you fired [USAToday via Yahoo News, 6.15.2005]
Like a growing number of employees, Peter Whitney decided to launch a blog on the Internet to chronicle his life, his friends and his job at a division of Wells Fargo. His blog,, did find an audience: his bosses. In August 2004, the 27-year-old was fired.

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