More 'Deep Throat'

Just in case you missed , I would recommend it... lest anybody think that becoming a whistleblower is such an easy thing to do.I might also note a follow-up to about WP reporter Bob Woodward moderating a focum of cyber-security czars... read this week's Circuit for a brief report.

The WP this morning has another follow-up on the case of 'Deep Throat'...

Watergate and the Two Lives of 'Deep Throat' [WP, 6.20.2005, registration required]
Roles as FBI Official, 'Deep Throat' Clashed
Unlike many of the heroes and villains of the Watergate saga, W. Mark Felt defies easy pigeonholing; he is alternately presented as a courageous whistleblower and a symbol of overreaching ambition.

Federal Computer Week's workforce columnist Judy Welles' column on this subject

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