Newspapers look to the future

is the LAT note on the changes that appeared in the Sunday paper...My favorite part...FCW, of course, has written , which are online collaborations. I find them just fascinating. , an online excyclopedia that allows people to post changes to its content, is the granddaddy of wikis... and here is , if you haven't seen one before.Meanwhile, here is the …And the LAT sectionAnd Michael Kinsley is the founding editor of and is a fascinating guy, so this will be just fascinating to watch.

I will comment on this more fully later, but I wanted to post a really interesting story from this morning's NYT:

Upheaval on Los Angeles Times Editorial Pages [NYT, 6.13.2005]
The Los Angeles Times has announced new features intended to make the editorial page more dynamic, but Michael Kinsley, who oversees those pages, has been criticized by several staff members.


Watch next week for the introduction of "wikitorials" — an online feature that will empower you to rewrite Los Angeles Times editorials.

several stories about wikisWikipediaits definition of a wiki

LAT editorial page Web site
'outside the tent'
LAT's opinion blog

NEXT STORY: Insecurity alert