NYT opines about cybersecurity

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who never misses an opportunity to say that he is a medical doctor... including on his , is calling for a to fight bioterrorism.

The lead editorial in today's NYT is about cyber-security.

Virtually Unprotected [NYT, 6.2.2005, registration required]
Protecting the nation from a potentially devastating cyberattack should be a high priority.

The quote:

Protecting the nation from a potentially devastating cyberattack is not easy. The technological challenges are considerable - even major technology companies have trouble defending themselves against hackers. The number of potential targets is enormous. And because many of the targets are in private hands, the Department of Homeland Security has to work with entities that may be reluctant to follow the government's lead.

But overcoming these obstacles should be a high priority. One of the lessons of the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington was how much damage a few men with simple weapons, like box cutters, could do if they targeted a point of maximum vulnerability. In a well-planned cyberattack, a single terrorist with nothing more than a computer and Internet access could do an extraordinary amount of harm from half a world away.

Web siteManhattan Project for the 21st century

NEXT STORY: DHS exec stresses privacy