The automated tax man?

Waht if you never needed to fill out your taxes? What if you just got a note saying how much you owed, you signed it and returned it. Well, apparently California tested the idea this past tax season and is looking to expand it next year... but only for simple returns.

The California Francise Tax Board doesn't have a release about this plan, but here is the March release talking about the program... and here is the SJMN story...

State offers to prepare more taxes next year [SJMN, 6.16.2005]
California taxpayers who hate filling out tax returns might be in luck next tax season. If their tax returns are simple enough, the state will offer to fill out the forms for them. All they'll have to do is sign -- or click online -- and pay what's due.

Deeming last season's experiment with the ``ReadyReturn'' a success, the state Franchise Tax Board voted unanimously on Wednesday to roll out the program to more taxpayers next tax season.