The 'fun, fun, fun' workplace

She acknowledges that Yahoo will need to change its strategies as its workforce changes -- the average age now is 34.Relating this to the federal workforce... having never been a fed, my impression is that 'fun' is not a common term used around the workplace. No doubt, this is serious stuff that government workers deal with, especially in a post-Setpember 11 world, but... as I read it, it did leave me wondering.I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Admit it -- when you saw this headline, did the federal government jump to mind?

The San Jose Mercury News this morning has a short story on Yahoo's chief people person.

As Yahoo's senior vice president of human resources, Libby Sartain epitomizes a corporate culture known for fun, fun, fun.

Sartain's effervescence and penchant for pulling pranks -- she helps plan Yahoo's April Fool's Day jokes almost a year in advance -- reinforce the lively workplace atmosphere.

NEXT STORY: Insecurity alert