DHS reorg... minus one little thing

I have been reading and listening to all the information about the changes at the Homeland Security Department... and yes, the reorganization does elevate cyber-security within the organization -- no small step. But one important thing still seems to be missing from the organization chart [.pdf] the agency posted -- a little position called chief information officer.

There is the under secretary for science and technology, but that isn't the CIO. One can only guess that the CIO falls under the under secretary for management.

Under the Clinger-Cohen Act, CIOs in many of the big agencies are required to report to the head of the agency. As Federal Computer Week reported last year, that doesn't always happen. Some agencies have sidestep this provision by having the deputy director for management also serve as the CIO, thereby satisfying the Clinger-Cohen Act, but the "deputy CIO" is actually the CIO.

To be honest, I don't know what the legislation that created DHS says about the CIO job.

And come to mention it, where is the chief financial officer?

NEXT STORY: CSC rolls out public grid