Do government workers waste time?

Instant messaging has become quite an issue for many organizations. Some see it as a critical business tool, but it certainly is a potential time waster. But so is e-mail, when it comes right down to it.The other interesting tidbit in ... the most common excuse for wasting time is that people don't have enough to do. That ranked above 'I don't get paid enough.'

A MarketWatch column that reports that, according to a recent Web survey by America Online and, the average American worker admits to wasting 2.09 hours per day at work, not counting lunch. Even worse, the public sector ranks number two among time wasting industries, wasting 2.4 hours on average, right behind the insurance industry, the survey says.

While most human-resource managers expect the average employee to waste about an hour a day, the results of this survey were startling. These 2.09 hours per person per day add up to $759 billion in salaries.

Of the 10,044 people who responded, 44.7% cited personal Internet use, such as email, IM-ing or games, as the No. 1 time-waster at work.

the survey