Does the Bush administration 'get IT'?

We about the Bush administration's decision not to renew the President's Information Technology Advisory Council... and to not even explain why. [I have as well if you care to comment.]The Mercury News story notes that the IT community is increasingly turning to Congress to get tech issues addressed. Unfortunately there are only a handful of lawmakers who understand these issues.

That question -- does the Bush administration get IT -- is raised not by me, but by many Silicon Valley high-tech executives, according to the San Jose Mercury News this morning.

Early in his first run for the White House, George W. Bush traveled to Palo Alto and told high-tech executives that he understood their industry and ``this incredible land called Silicon Valley.'' Now, six months into his second term, some executives in Silicon Valley question whether Bush and key members of his administration really do ``get it'' when it comes to high tech.

expressed some displeasureposted the editorial here on the blog

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