IRS gets the fax

TaDa!... and more than just a small step for e-government.

Our big feature in the upcoming issue looks at IRS modernization, which over its long long history really has been the poster child for troubled government systems. But it appears that IRS has found a path that may work. Yes, I can hear you already -- "been there, done that." And yes, IRS has said many times that the agency has found the fix only to be disappointed again. At least they are making progress.

That being said, I saw this IRS press release announcing that the IRS is now accepting "facsimile" signatures on employment tax returns. I don't know about you, but when I first saw the headline, my first thought was, "A fax? How 1990s!" But read on... (my emphasis added below)...

The Internal Revenue Service has issued new rules allowing corporate officers or duly authorized agents to sign employment tax forms by facsimile, including alternative signature methods such as computer software programs or mechanical devices.

The rules, outlined in Revenue Procedure 2005-39, will reduce burden on business taxpayers by simplifying employment tax filing and lowering the number of returns rejected by the IRS because of signature issues.