Just don't call it a 'podcast'

This from MarketWatch.com's Frank Barnako (which, despite a lot of searching, I was shocked and frustrated to not be able to find on their Web site).

Podcasts get a new name

Microsoft Corp. employees who are producing audio programs for playback on portable music devices may be understandably reluctant to call their shows podcasts, given the term's identification with Apple Computer's iPod music player. So, how do you create a podcast without implicitly acknowledging the ubiquity of the product, asked the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "Why, you 'blogcast,' of course." The newspaper reported the combination of Web log and broadcast is being used by several Microsofties offering audio programs online.

Update: I did find the link to this story... and I found it by going to Barnako's blog and then following a link in one of the items to his columns. I'm sure there is a more efficient way, but... it's the results that matter, right?

NEXT STORY: A cool duo