Rehnquist watch

This from FCW editor at large Judi Hasson:

To see how badly the press can behave, all you have to do is drive past Chief Justice Rehnquist's home in North Arlington where dozens of reporters and photographers are hanging out.

For the second day in a row, I did just that and saw the hoards of my colleagues in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sitting in the heat isn't going to bring about a resignation any faster, folks. Pestering the neighbors and blocking traffic won't endear us to anyone in particular. Standing in front of his home isn't going to give anyone a scoop any sooner on what happens next at the Supreme Court.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement announcement two weeks ago from the court after 24 years was a surprise. And for court watchers everywhere, the next is yet to come. Let's give it a chance without being pests.