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Buying storage in bulk: A new frontier
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory's storage team delivers economies of scale to co-workers

5 ways to whip your storage into shape
Swelling data volumes and more online operations demand a new level of fitness for government storage systems


Sun narrowly escapes GSA delisting
Company gets reprieve after agreeing to lower some prices

TCE still alive

Networx deadlines extended, could delay award date


Comings and Goings


Editorial: Getting the power

Guerra: Drop the protest

Payne: The fear of transition


Pension dispute stalls nomination
Senate must resolve the issue before DOD's CIO can be confirmed

Fed retirements pose a challenge

Many hopes on hold for executive training


Answering the call
New tech helps contact centers improve consumer service

The Pipeline

Navy, NGA set sail on paperless navigation project

Toshiba Tecra M3 packs a lot

Toughbook 73 has a sensitive side


Dell deal may widen JBoss reach
Apogen acquisition is another case of foreign interest in U.S. fed market

MPC looks to boost biz

Sandia, Verizon form telecom partnership


The new Trojan war
Defense Department finds its networks under attack from China

FBI cleans up its e-recordkeeping

DHS woos small businesses for new IT buying programs