Looking back on posts past

Just a few updates on items I have blogged about in recent weeks...

* Former FEMA director Michael Brown is testifying as I type before Rep. Tom Davis' select committee focusing on the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. I apparently did not blog about this, but I did editorialize about it... Brown's now infamous comments on CNN that he didn't know what was going on at the New Orleans Convention Center. He told lawmakers today that he simply misspoke. Meanwhile, the New Orleans Times-Picayune is reporting that the horrible reports coming from the Superdome and the Convention Center may have been exagerated.

An aside, I'm guessing that the House Government Reform Committee is going to post the Katrina related information.

* Earlier, I had posted about Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard, who had appeared on Meet the Press where he accused the federal government of bailing on New Orleans -- and that it resulted in the death of one of the city's emergency management officials' mother. Well, bloggers started raising questions about Broussard's timeline. So Meet the Press had Broussard back on the show this Sunday to respond... and he didn't respond exactly. You can read the transcript for yourself.

And yes, I'm still working on my RFID post. I'll try to get it up by tomorrow.