New focus on resumes?

Some of these questions have been raised in the wake of Katrina and , the former FEMA head whose resume apparently was light on emergency management experience.Stephenson tries to make a connection between Myers and Safavian, which somehow just seems like a reach to me, but... I think his point is right on -- it is resume check time for politicals.

One aspect of Hurricane Katrina, which has resurfaced with the Safavian case, could be a renewed look at resumes -- what qualifications do people have to do specific jobs.

Consultant W. David Stephenson, who blogs about homeland security issues, has an interesting post on the subject.

Julie Myers, an attorney who has strong White House ties, the right uncle, husband, and former boss -- but little experience with customs or immigration -- has been nominated to head the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), formed from parts of the old Imigration and Naturalization Service (INS) as part of creation of the DHS.

Michael Brown

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