Coalition bestows partnership awards

Perry gets a surprise recognition for his tenure at GSA.

Former General Services Administration Administrator Stephen Perry came back to Northern Virginia from his new home in Ohio Nov. 8 to attend the Coalition for Government Procurement's Excellence in Partnership awards ceremony. The coalition gave him an award in recognition of his accomplishments at GSA in the one presentation not listed in the ceremony's program.

Perry, who retired from GSA Oct. 31, said he was happy to see the spirit of the government/industry partnership continuing.

"This evening I'm more delighted than I ever have been," he said. "The relationship between the coalition and GSA is as strong as it ever has been."

David Bibb, acting GSA administrator, said that during the "post-Steve era," the goal of the newly created Federal Acquisition Service -- a GSA division -- will be to continue to deliver the best value in acquisitions to government agencies.

The coalition traditionally hands out 15 awards at the ceremony, five each for government agencies, GSA and industry partners. This year, the organization added a special award for Art Hackney, a former GSA official who helped start the agency's National Furniture Center Quality Partnership Council.

The awards commemorate the GSA schedule contracts, agencies’ use of them and industry partners’ willingness to work within that system.

Here are the other awards and winners.

GSA customer agencies

  • Most Innovative Use of GSA Schedules -- the Census Bureau.

  • Most Enthusiastic Newcomer -- the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

  • Best Use of Small Business -- Marine Corps Systems Command.

  • Loyal User Award -- NASA’s Glenn Research Center.

  • Lifetime Achievement -- Jack Brantley, U.S. Army Human Resources Command.
  • GSA

  • Most Innovative Acquisition Center -- Office Supplies and Administrative Services Acquisition Center.

  • Most Effective Contracting Officer -- Helen Zivkoviche.

  • Most Active Marketing Organization -- Management Services Center.

  • Best New Negotiator -- Suzanne Jetton, contract specialist.

  • Lifetime Achievement -- Sue McIver, director of the Services Acquisition Center.
  • Industry

  • Most Valuable Schedule Contractor -- Booz Allen Hamilton.

  • Most Innovative Small Business -- Merlin Technical Solutions.

  • Most Successful Newcomer -- MSC Industrial Supply.

  • Green Contractor (for environmental responsibility) -- Finish Thompson.

  • Lifetime Achievement -- Gus Ghazarian, manager of federal contracts at Ricoh.