DOJ beaten to the news

I don't fully understand how these kinds of things happen, but the Associated Press has a story saying that the Oracle buy of Seibel Systems has been approved by the Justice Department. DOJ has determined that there were no anti-trust concerns, AP reports. Yet one cannot find word of that decision on the Justice Department Web site. Here is the link to the November press releases and, as of 11:30a, it isn't there. And here are press releases from Justice's Anti-trust Division.

You can, however, read Oracle's press release on the decision.

As always, I stand to be corrected in case it is there somewhere. It sure isn't easy to find if it easy posted... and the explanation may be that Justice doesn't officially 'announce' when they are not taking an action. But clearly some decision was made. I have to imagine that Oracle was notified in some way. Why not post that? It goes a long way to helping alleviate the feeling that many people have that there are insiders who have access to information -- and that most people are on the outside. Agencies have a place to post these kinds of announcements, but they don't always take advantage of it.