A successful e-gov quest

In my Rock Creek Park e-gov quest -- success!

No, it wasn't easy... and it involved having to make several calls to the Park Service personnel that oversee Rock Creek Park... and the kind person had to walk me through the process, but I found it.

So do you want to walk through it, or should I just give it to you?
For those of you who read the end of the mystery first, you can find the Rock Creek Park improvement plan here.

Here are the steps I had to go through:
* Go to parkplanning.nps.gov and look for Plans/Documents Open for Comment
* The third item down is the Rock Creek Park plan.

I actually asked how Joe Citizen would ever be able to find that... and they acknowledged that it is kind of burried... and they promised that it was going to be moved to the Rock Creek Park page.

I'll be watching.