The world of the year...

If you are so inclined, the Oxford University Press has a .Somewhat of an aside, FCW is looking at joining the Podcasting world. As we speak, we are testing putting our in podcast form. All of this is new to us, so we're doing a "soft launch" this week to see if and/or how it works. I'll give you the location of FCW's first-ever Podcast when it gets posted and you can listen to me on your iPod! I'll keep you informed. (Shhh! Don't tell anybody! It's just between you and me!)

You saw this coming -- or you heard about it on your podcast... This from those folks over that the New Oxford American Dictionary as noted by Good Morning Silicon Valley:

We were betting on "rootkit": Podcast has been chosen word of the year by the editors of the New Oxford American Dictionary. "Podcast was considered for inclusion last year, but we found that not enough people were using it, or were even familiar with the concept," Erin McKean, editor in chief of the dictionary said in a statement. "This year it's a completely different story. The word has finally caught up with the rest of the iPod phenomenon."


buzz of the week and the week in review