An R&D push?

By the way... , director of the White House's , will take questions about the President's State of the Union Address on Wednesday at 4 p.m. on the White House Web site. Ask your questions .

I just got the statement from the House Science Committee on the President's expected call for increasing R&D.

Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) said, "The President is doing exactly the right thing in focusing on science, math and engineering research and education. The nation needs new investments and new approaches in research and education if we are to remain competitive and prosperous. I applaud the President for seizing the initiative, even in this time of budget stringency, to propose a significant and meaningful competitiveness agenda. This initiative should be embraced by the nation's business and academic leaders, who have been calling for just this sort of effort to protect our economic future. I look forward to working with the President and my colleagues in Congress to move forward with the President's proposals as their details emerge over the next several weeks."

Dr. John MarburgerOffice of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)here

NEXT STORY: The SOTU: A Washington event