CompTIA comments on Bush's R&D proposals

I'm getting more comments coming in on the President's proposal for R&D.

This from Roger Cochetti, Group Director of U.S. Public Policy for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA):

"High tech innovation and competitiveness in the global economy is not something that canbe whipped up, faked or forced. They require a well-educated and trained workforce, a strong technology base and long-term nurturing.

"While we as a nation face critically important challenges ahead, the President's State of the Union (SOTU) address tonight reveals that he and his administration understand this rigor. Innovation demands a sustained Federal commitment to research, education and training - all things that the President spoke persuasively about this evening.

"For the tech industry, government can help innovators by focusing upon:

* Increased attention to education in the math and sciences;
* Strong, ongoing commitment to IT training and skills certification; and
* Fortified investment in basic and commercial research and development (R&D).

"The President appears more than ready for the challenge. His American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI) presented to America tonight will reportedly provide substantial, new investment over the next ten years for math and science education, research and development, and training. We congratulate these efforts - they will work to keep America innovative, competitive and prosperous. We also commit to work with the President and the Congress to see these initiatives through.

"Why does this matter to the U.S. tech industry and Americans?

"Where Americans create an educated populace - one that invites students to participate more actively, and at the earliest stages of learning, in the technical fields of math and sciences - we're guaranteed the raw, human infrastructure and intellectual gravitas to deliver the next leading innovations.

"Where the American worker can get the ongoing training he or she needs, they'll be better equipped to compete with the world and its use of IT to 'level the playing field'.

"And, where we invest in R&D - via increased investment in agencies like the NSF, NIST and through private enterprises via a permanent extension of the R&D credit - we prime the pump of product and service innovation, helping creators come up with and shoulder risky, yet potentially beneficial endeavors for societies worldwide.

"No doubt, the President's plan is ambitious. But, it's do-able, and more, it's needed 'yesterday'.

"Innovation is a birthright to no one. It is a friend to no particular nation; and it knows no party affiliation. It doesn't get built just once, but is a lifelong pursuit. Moreover, like water on a sidewalk, it will find its way elsewhere, to other nations that can move more swiftly and adeptly to bottle up its reserve. We cannot, nor should we, work to cork the genie of innovation, wherever it may go. What we can do, however, is provide all Americans with the sound assurance that the American font will not dry up, at least not because Washington stood by, motionless, on this front.

"In the face of rapidly progressing global competition, policymakers should do all they can to keep America innovative and competitive. The President, as well as others on both sides of the aisle, know this, and we congratulate their tireless efforts. We remain heartened that the President's fifth SOTU address says the 'right things' about the integral role IT, research, education and training plays in all Americans' lives. Where we can effectively innovate and compete, we can be assured of continued growth, prosperity, opportunity and leadership now and well into the future."

NEXT STORY: The SOTU: A Washington event