Even more on cookies...

The story has a chart showing agencies that use cookies or Web bugs. I had mentioned the and the cookies in ... as well as others that they did not cover. (The still irks me just because they are supposed to be overseeing this stuff.)The News.com reporters note that "some departments changed their practices this week after being contacted by CNET News.com."Some of the sites surprise me because I do have my Web browser's cookie detector on and, as you might imagine, I visit many government Web sites each day, but I'll take their word for it.

Yes, apparently I'm not quite full of cookies yet... and then C/Net's News.com spurred me further with this story:

Government Web sites follow visitors' movements [C/Net, 1.5.2005]

Dozens of federal agencies are tracking visits to U.S. government Web sites in violation of long-standing rules designed to protect online privacy, a CNET News.com investigation shows.

SmithsonianNational Zoomy first post on this subjectSenate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

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