Red alert for my neighborhood this weekend

Back in 2004, we looked an unsecured wi-fi networks. It is always worth remembering, right (as I rush home to shut down my wi-fi for the weekend!)

I live in the Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C. near one of the city's largest hotels, which is apparently hosting a hacker convention this weekend.

I got this note on my neighborhood list:

If you live near the Wardman Park Marriott and have an unsecured wi-fi connection - I know a lot of you do as I get your signals - you might want to activate the password security on your network this weekend as there is a "hacker" convention at that hotel this weekend called ShmooCon.

According to the group's Web site:

"We might not have DefCon debauchery, but we heavily stress the might
part of that. Damn near anything could happen when nearly five hundred hackers descend upon the nation's capital. ... and unsanctioned attempts at penetrating the 100+ .gov or Beltway Bandit wireless networks within 5 miles should make for quite an interesting time."