Budget day 2006

Yes, today is the day the Bush administration releases the fiscal 2007 budget proposal... and I'm up early, and the Office of Management and Budget has already posted some parts of the document.

FCW reporters will be culling through the document all day... all week... and filing stories on the IT provision. We are also looking for those hidden gems, so if you know of some, let me know... or let the person who covers the agency know.

The era of government spending in a time of big deficits is back, so we'll be watching for how that impacts IT spending. We have been hearing that programs will be more targeted and that systems will have to justify their purpose. (They haven't before?)

And, as always, it is important to remember that the administration's proposed budget is just that -- a proposal. There are a few people at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue who have a few things to say about how money gets spent.

So happy budget day!

UPDATE: I stand corrected. OMB actually has the fiscal 2006 budget posted front and center, noting on fiscal 2007 as of 9:45a.