Administration looks to 2008 budget

An OMB official issued a memo to guide agencies as they look ahead.

Congress will soon launch into the fiscal 2007 appropriations season to debate how many federal dollars should go to what program. The Bush administration, however, is already looking ahead to the fiscal 2008 budget proposal.

Clay Johnson, deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget, issued a memo April 25 to guide agencies as they consider their funding requests for the president’s fiscal 2008 budget proposal, which will be released in early 2007.

The president’s policy agenda seeks to promote economic growth and create jobs while winning the war on terror and protecting U.S. citizens, according to the memo.

Johnson said agencies should use the President’s Management Agenda, Budget and Performance Initiative and the Program Assessment Rating Tool.

The memo directs agencies to take a close look at the 2006 and 2007 budget proposals, which list programs the administration recommends for termination or reduction. Cutting or ending a program’s funding will reduce spending, according to the memo.

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