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Accidental publicist
Agencies risk unwitting release of sensitive information using popular office software

Search fusion
Support grows for new way to integrate information analysis and retrieval tools

Visualizing the Army’s new tank
Why the network is the main battle piece in the Future Combat Systems


Bush nominates new GSA administrator
Doan would bring IT business background to troubled agency

Senator examines SBA work

Pentium computers vulnerable to cyberattack



Editorial: A time for openness
It is hardly news that GSA has problems. Those problems are multifaceted and have been building for years.

Nelson: Turning GSA around

Welles: Telework coming alive?

Slovin: The proverbial fox guarding the henhouse


Consistent customer service still an elusive goal
Managers say the best contact centers have service-oriented workers and automation

OPM pitches public service

Navy seeks to capture skills data

OPM pitches public service


Army sets new benchmark for IP telephony
Infantry commanders can now use a phone and place a VOIP call from the battlefield

Symantec to protect databases

The Pipeline

Software adds muscle to organizational charting


Companies turn to acquisition for growth
Aerospace and defense firms expand IT efforts; midsize services providers get larger

Hughes rethinks satellite strategy


No longer a performance model, TSA’s ITMS provides lessons
DHS IG finds that the contract lacked the proper performance measures

Lawmakers turn to IT for grant accountability

Love it or hate it, it’s the law


Benefiting Children’s Inn at NIH

NEXT STORY: GSA's Doan era