Officials seek info on lines of business

GSA and OMB issued RFIs on the Geospatial and the Information Technology Infrastructure Optimization Initiative business lines.

The RFIs aim to find common business solutions, organize the lines of business and integrate them into the Federal Enterprise Architecture, the documents state. The administration envisions an effective and efficient IT infrastructure, enabling governmentwide and customer-centered services. They may also aid agencies in preparation for fiscal 2008 budget requests and OMB’s decision-making, the documents state.

Request for Information on IT Infrastructure Optimization Initiative Line of Business

The General Services Administration, partnering with the Office of Management and Budget, issued requests for information regarding the new Geospatial and the Information Technology Infrastructure Optimization Initiative lines of business last week. Officials said they want insight on best practices and lessons learned as they build on the business lines.

The RFI submissions are due by May 5.

There are three Practitioners Day events for each of the lines of business listed.

  • Geospatial April 18 from 10 a.m. to noon.

  • Budget Formulation and Execution April 18 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

  • IT Infrastructure Optimization Initiative April 19 from10 a.m. to noon.

The geospatial line of business will identify ways to optimize federal geospatial-related investments and reduce costs while improving services to citizens.

“Cross-agency coordination of geospatial activities is still lacking,” the geospatial line of business RFI states. It adds that redundant investments must stop. Officials expect the business line to help coordinate geospatial data use.

Consolidating and improving IT infrastructure may reveal ways to save money, and case studies show that agencies could improve IT service levels and focus more on mission priorities and results.

The IT infrastructure line of business, introduced in the fiscal 2007 budget proposal, will define specific common performance measures for service levels and costs, and it will identify best practices. It will also develop guidance for technology transitions, such as the mandated move to IPv6.

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