The fed flu plan

According to the story, the report "identifies more than 300 specific tasks for federal agencies, including determining which frontline workers should be the first vaccinated and expanding Internet capacity to handle what would probably be a flood of people working from their home computers."Here is the story recap from :It really seems to me that telework has really come of age. The WP story notes that the White House is concerned that it not seem unprepared as it did with Katrina.In the , we looked at disaster recovery plans -- we called it the disaster recovery tool kit. Here are the stories:A distributed workforce can keep essential services running after devastating man-made or natural disastersShort Message Service earns valued role as a link of last resort for crisis communicationsNew options promise faster recovery plus better data protection at headquarters and remote sites

The WP this morning reports that the President is close to approving the federal government's national pandemic influenza response plan.

U.S. Plan For Flu Pandemic Revealed [WP, 4.16.2006]
Multi-Agency Proposal Awaits Bush's Approval
Plan is first attempt to detail how the government would detect and respond to an outbreak and continue functioning through a lengthy crisis.'s Today's Papers

The multi-agency flu plan outlined in the WP seems to be a thorough piece of work: The Treasury Department has plans to produce currency elsewhere should U.S. mints need to close; the Pentagon, anticipating supply shortages, is stockpiling latex gloves; and the government would increase Internet capacity in order to handle the increased number of people working from home. The Post says that following its bungled reaction to Hurricane Katrina, the administration "is eager to show it could manage the medical, security and economic fallout of a major outbreak." And in order to avoid past mistakes, the president is expected to create an interagency task force to coordinate the federal response and a high-level Disaster Response Group to resolve any disputes among agencies or states.

April 3 issue of Federal Computer Week

Adding telework to agency survival kits

SMS does SOS

Fail-safe storage options

NEXT STORY: More good news for GSA -- not