DHS vacancies

We did some checking around and people who I believe are in the know suggest that people not hold their breath for the cyber-czar all too soon.One person said, "If I had a nichael for everytime I heard DHS claim an annoncement for Cyber A/S was imminent, I'd be richer than Bill Gates."Another said, "They're still interviewing candidates, but seem to be interested in moving forward sooner rather than later. Nobody is imminent."So everybody can exhale now.

So the WSJ.com's Washington Wire blog says the Homeland Security Department is "plagued by personnel turnover and vacancies, a document leaked this week shows."

Well, there is a news flash.

The WSJ goes on to say:

The department's preparedness directorate has 196 unfilled positions, including budget analysts, a chief of staff, intelligence specialists, and an assistant secretary for cybersecurity and telecommunications. Secretary Chertoff is expected to name a cyber-czar soon, officials say. –Robert Block

NEXT STORY: Who are you calling 'obscure'?