Rep. Joe Wilson misses an opportunity

One of the first speakers at the Management of Change conference in Hilton Head, N.C. was Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), who represents the district that includes Hilton Head Island.

First off, Wilson's Web site uses permanent cookies. On top of that, the site doesn't even have a privacy policy.

But Wilson's speech ended up being something of a disappointment.

Wilson sits on the House Armed Services Committee, and there are some big issues in front of that committee right now. The Army and Marine Corps are scrambling to pay for the war in Iraq because Congress hasn't approved the emergency spending bill. There are some stiff deadlines coming down the pike if this spending bill doesn't get through. Both Army and industry officials are very concerned that lawmakers may head out of town at the end of the month without passing that bill. One person said it would be brutal -- for both DOD and vendors.

But there are also issues about Army spending long term.

Unfortunately Wilson didn't address any of those issues. One person described the speech as something he could have easily have given at a Rotary Club.