AI... after they meet with the President...

I somehow just love it that Rice is a Hicks fan. Who knew.Anyway, after they meet with the pres -- or, as the WP put it, the Pres meets with them -- I'll be seeing the AI finalists in concert. It is a bit of a surreal experience... and there is almost no line for beer given that most of the crowd can't drink! Bonus!

You may not know this about me, but I'm a big fan of American Idol. I have been since I started watching the show mid-season one.

As you may or may not know, the Idol finalists are on tour and they will be here in Washington later this week.

Earlier this week,'s Today's Papers gave it a mention:

To finish off what will no doubt be a busy week, President Bush will get a visit from someone who got millions of votes but is no politician. According to the Post's Reliable Source, American Idol Taylor Hicks will have a photo-op with the president Friday afternoon. Here's to hoping Condoleezza Rice (a self-proclaimed fan of Hicks) will be able to take time off from her schedule to hang out with her fellow Birmingham native.

NEXT STORY: ITAA backs business tax bill