Davis to get WPosted?

The buzz around town is a yet-to-be-published story from the Washington Post about Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee.

The full scope of the story isn't clear -- it isn't published -- but they have apparently been working on it for weeks, if not longer. The word on the Hill is that it could be ugly.

Even writing this becomes complex. There sometimes can be a fine line between rumor peddling and reporting on what's going on in the community.

The way I keep hearing the story described is as an expose, but we'll have to wait and see. The NYT last month, of course, ran an expose on the 'revolving door' at DHS and I found it… less than satisfying.

The WP story, of course, remains to be seen and I am not prejudging it in any way. But some mainstream media seem not to care about the actual workings of government contracting.

If there is a fire, let's report on that and not just create smoke. That isn't good for journalism. It isn't good for good government.

I don't hope for a fire, of course, but some of the alleged wrongdoings that we seem to fan cheapens the legitimate cases of real wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, we'll all be staying up late to check out the WP when it gets posted online sometime after midnight.

NEXT STORY: DHS's new privacy czar