Democrats evaluate small-biz contracts

Members of the House Small Business Committee will unveil their score card on how well 22 federal agencies met small-business contracting requirements.

Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.), ranking member of the House Small Business Committee, has announced that she will join Democratic members of the committee and small-business owners July 26 as they release the annual Small Business Scorecard Contracting report.

The report, Scorecard VII, evaluates 22 federal agencies, representing 99.7 percent of the federal marketplace, on their ability to meet the mandated 23 percent contracting goal.

In a statement issued today, Velázquez said Scorecard VII will analyze the accuracy of the Bush administration’s recent assertion that the federal government had reached a 25.36 percent achievement for the small-business contracting goal. The report will also evaluate the government contracting practices that affect small businesses.

Established in 1999, the report evaluates how small businesses fare in the federal marketplace.

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