DHS's new privacy czar

has a somewhat harsh look at the new pick to be the chief privacy officer at the Homeland Security Department.Ouch!But true?It is interesting because in the Aug. 7 issue, we will have our second annual 'best IT agencies to work for' survey and DHS did... not that bad. Who knew!
Wired magazine's blog

After a nine-month search, the Department of Homeland Security has appointed mid-level homeland security lawyer Hugo Teufel III, who has no formal experience in privacy compliance, to be the Chief Privacy Officer for Homeland Security.

While the Department interviewed prominent and experienced privacy officials both from the corporate world and within the government, Chertoff instead chose a loyalist lawyer with no real experience in the field of privacy policy.

I guess Homeland Security hiring practices are pretty much the same as they were in the Katrina "heckuva job" era.

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