Mainframe at your service

Service-oriented architecture is making big iron a first-class player — again

When officials in Tarrant County, Texas, decided to implement a service- oriented architecture two years ago, their goal was to link a multitude of information technology systems that didn’t communicate with each other. But they didn’t think their mainframe computer would remain a part of that equation.

It turns out that they, like many others, misjudged the mainframe’s prospects. “The mainframe now is the predominant first-class citizen in the environment, to a point where we’re buying another one next year,” said Steve Smith, chief information officer for the county, which has a population of 1.8 million people. Fort Worth is the county seat.

Why the change of heart? The mainframe turned out to be the most cost-effective solution for moving and processing data, and it has a high level of security and reliability, Smith said.

Once written off as relics of a bygone era, mainframe computers are making a resurgence sparked in part by the push toward service-oriented architecture. SOA provides a framework for developing software components to manage data communications among different systems.

The future of the mainframe looked grim in the 1990s, as a wave of inexpensive, industry-standard servers powered the rise of a more nimble, client/server distributed computing architecture. Pundits began writing epitaphs for the big iron mainframe systems, which were best known for their seemingly old-fashioned, centralized processing of big workloads.

But the pendulum began to swing back in the mainframe’s favor with the approach of the new millennium, as IT managers realized that the mainframe has few equals when it comes to reliability and security. Also helping the image makeover was IBM’s launch in 2000 of a trimmer and more agile mainframe, the zSeries, running an updated operating system, the z/OS.

With the advent of SOA and new standards for software interoperability such as those in the Web services family of protocols, managers in businesses and government agencies want to take advantage of their huge investments in high-end computers by extending mission-critical mainframe applications to these new mixed computing environments.

No longer can mainframes be considered second-class citizens in a distributed computing environment, relegated to just batch processing jobs or serving as a storage site for massive amounts of vital data.

Mainframe users, industry analysts, IBM and independent software vendors all see a new role for mainframes in the SOA paradigm, although their views vary on the exact nature of that role.

IBM officials view the mainframe as bedrock for building out SOA, because creating and deploying new software services put new demands on network performance and security — traditional strong suits of the mainframe.

“Mainframes, which process much of the world’s most strategic information and applications, are now finding second careers as the hub for SOA,” said Steve Mills, senior vice president and group executive of IBM’s Software Group, in a May press release announcing new software and initiatives to help developers build SOA-ready mainframe applications.

But being a hub doesn’t mean that the mainframe will become the place where all service requests from other systems will be routed, said Dale Vecchio, a research vice president at Gartner.

“On the other hand, service-oriented architecture as a modernization strategy for mainframe applications is absolutely occurring,” Vecchio said. Mainframes are becoming service providers on top of existing transactions, at least at the high end of the mainframe scale, he said.

The mainframe is not the right platform for every Web application, agreed Jim Rhyne, a distinguished engineer at IBM. Many organizations have developed a significant number of Web-based applications to run on the Unix, Windows and Linux-based servers that have proliferated in their IT departments in recent years.

Rather than spelling the end of the mainframe, this diverse picture is spurring interest in IBM’s Linux mainframes and Websphere middleware, which offer a lot of SOA and multiplatform integration capability, he added.

Rally ’round the bus
“Actually what we are seeing a lot of — and hearing — is that SOA is a key piece of business modernization, not just mainframe modernization,” said Robert Rosen, president of Share, an IBM users group. Users “can make use of their older systems in this new environment because basically what you do is take older applications and you plug them into that enterprise system bus so you can share the information or the data across the different applications.”

Tarrant County officials used enterprise service bus software from Sonic Software to forge integration between multiple systems, Smith said.

Until a year ago, the county’s data center wasn’t a pretty picture. There was the IBM zSeries mainframe, spewing about 18 inches of wiring for the highly customized interfaces that connected the mainframe to the other systems. Any change or modification to that setup would have caused a disastrous cascade effect, Smith said.

“So we overlaid a nice bus architecture, a grid that ties all of the systems together,” Smith said. “It allows us to retrieve the information without having to undo the old stuff and provide new services without having to fight through 20 years of bad architecture.”

“So, on the top we are doing new [applications] and underneath we are disconnecting the spaghetti from the different machines,” he said.

Next year, county officials want to be able to swap platforms in and out without workers knowing or caring where the data they are using came from. At an application level, the bus architecture is also being used to integrate the county’s justice systems into a single view, so law enforcement officials can keep track of people from the time they enter jail to their release from custody, Smith said.

“We’re trying to be very cost-effective in delivering our information, and I can tell you mainframes have had plenty of time to become very well-managed and secure environments,” Smith said. “The shame is that they haven’t been able to deliver information in the new world very easily, so this architecture really changes that.”

Smith said Tarrant County plans to bring in a zSeries mainframe that supports 64-bit architecture next year and eventually phase out its current system when IBM no longer supports it.

Just another server
Miami-Dade County, Fla., has also used a SOA approach to bring mainframe applications into the world of Web services to give citizens and employees better access to county systems.

“I see the mainframe as another server and a place where application data can be sourced from,” said Carmen Suarez, system support manager with Miami-Dade County.

Applying SOA makes it easier for county software developers to build composite applications to provide self-service functions for constituents via the county’s Web portal, she said. It also gives the developers working on disparate projects a common framework.

The county, which serves the Miami metropolitan area’s 2.2 million people, uses IBM z/OS mainframes and has about 65 mission-critical applications that use the CA-IDMS/DB mainframe database from the software vendor CA.

The county began by deploying software from DataDirect Technologies, an operating unit of Progress Software. The company’s Shadow z/Services enables county developers to wrap existing mainframe software application logic into ready-to-use Web services and then deploy them within the county’s portal environment, which is based on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

The county used Shadow z/Services to build a host of new applications such as the Hurricane Shutter Permitting application that allows contractors to go online to apply for permits, pay fees and print the permits. In addition, the software was used to provide the county’s Integrated Voice Response Answer Center with access to core mainframe functions via Web services.

The county is also piloting a Shadow z/Services Web service called Consumption, which enables the mainframe to call Web services provided by other machines and then use those services. Shadow z/Services Consumption can be applied to tasks such as e-mail address verification, terror threat level updates or mainframe-initiated faxing, according to DataDirect Technologies.

When developers build new applications and functions for the mainframe and allow it to be both a provider and consumer of Web services, then it is truly a first-class citizen in a distributed environment, said Dan Foody, chief technology officer at Sonic Software.

Driven to SOA
Others agree that the flexibility to interconnect a variety of platforms is a key rationale for adopting SOA. “That’s what drove us to this approach, because we don’t necessarily control our own destiny,” said Sandy Kline, deputy CIO at the Navy Facilities Engineering Command (Navfac). The command is required to connect to a variety of mandated systems.

Navfac manages the $11 billion procurement process for the Navy, Marine Corps and other federal clients. It also provides facilities management resources for the Defense Department and non-DOD entities. In a bid to lower procurement costs, Navfac officials embarked nine years ago on a model-driven service approach and composite application strategy to link its core systems, long before SOA became a buzzword.

Navfac has linked its mainframe-based Facilities Information System (FIS), which is hosted by the Defense Information Systems Agency, with the rest of its core business applications that run on Web-based servers. Those systems included DOD’s Standard Procurement System, for writing contracts; Single Platform Maximo, for managing facilities maintenance; and WebCM, a post-construction management application.

Navfac used technology from Logical Apps to build a framework and composite applications that linked those core systems. For example, a module called e-contracts sits between the facilities management and procurement systems. It collects and sends contract writing requirements to the Standard Procurement System, Kline said.

Several interfaces move data back and forth between the standard procurement system, the e-contracts composite model and FIS. So Navfac uses composite applications and Jacada Software, a Web-to-host integration technology that provides links between FIS and the procurement system.

“The service-oriented architecture and some of these transactional technologies allow the mainframe to continue to be a viable platform for high-end processing,” she said.

Still, some experts believe IBM needs to step up to the plate to give users more direction with SOA.

“My critical question for [IBM] is show me the architecture for doing SOA with the mainframe,” said Brand Niemann, co-chairman of the CIO Council’s SOA Community of Practice. “We want [IBM] to come up with one; it’s not that we’re skeptical” about the company’s ability to create an architecture.


Wrap it, extend it

Several products on the market let developers convert mainframe software code into standards-based Web services or allow the mainframe to be a more integral player in service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments.

Here are some examples:

  • BluePhoenix Solutions: The company’s WS4Legacy lets developers extend their environment by providing access to mainframe systems through standard Web services protocols. The software allows existing mainframe systems and their applications appear to communicate with other applications in the same language. Web services generation is controlled through a graphical user interface (GUI) in three steps. First, WS4Legacy automatically interprets information from existing programs. Then mainframe developers select applications to be published as Web services. Next, it automatically generates and deploys the Web services front end on IBM or Microsoft platforms.

  • GT Software: Ivory is an integrated toolset that let developers use existing skills, applications and data to bring the mainframe into the SOA world. The heart of the toolset is Ivory Service Architect, which consists of Ivory Studio and Ivory Server. Ivory Studio allows developers to define Web service inputs and outputs and graphically model the multistep process to implement the service. Ivory Server processes information published via Ivory Studio, using native mainframe data access methods. .

  • Jacada: Jacada Interface Server is an automated solution to extend and modernize existing IBM mainframe host systems. It generates Java or Extensible HTML GUIs that integrate with new application development environments, including Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition and Microsoft .NET application servers. .

  • DataDirect Technologies: Shadow z/Services allows bidirectional use of existing mainframe application screens, programs and data with SOAs. It provides an adaptable computing architecture, enabling the mainframe to participate in SOA as a Web services consumer or provider. One component, Shadow Studio, is a GUI tool and development environment that can present mainframe applications and data as Web services, real-time business events or standard Structured Query Language database calls. .

  • Sonic Software: Sonic’s Enterprise Services Bus simplifies the integration and reuse of business components using standards-based SOA. Developers can integrate services representing diverse technologies without modifying underlying applications or introducing custom-coded dependencies. .

— Rutrell Yasin
Secrets to SOA success

Most organizations deploying service-oriented architecture (SOA) frameworks are doing so to get an extra return on the information technology investments they’ve already made, such as in mainframe computers, said Rob Morris, senior vice president of marketing at GT Software, which makes SOA development software.

“It’s all about getting pretty quick value today on [the assets] you already have,” he said. That’s not a new idea, but now certain technologies are making that effort a lot easier.

However, Morris cautions organizations looking to implement SOA with their high-end computing systems not to become unduly focused on mainframe-specific connectivity issues, because they risk missing the point of the integration.

“People tend to focus on potentially too low-level details around Web services technology,” he said. “What you want to focus on is what services do you require on the mainframe and how do you map up and deliver them.”

Also, software developers within organizations should not assume that they can just put Web services wrappers around existing applications and then leave it to users to determine their usefulness, Morris said.

Instead, developers should work directly with the consumers of those services, who might be end users or other IT people from other sections of the organization. “They have to work together to come up with a definition of those services and let the mainframe people go back and deliver them,” he said. “That’s not what I see happening in many organizations.”

The places where this interchange between developers and consumers of the services is occurring are more successful in implementing SOA. The biggest challenge seems to be more of a social issue than a technical one, he added.

GT Software will take this message to the public sector through an agreement with Merlin Technical Solutions. The two companies will deliver SOA tools that capitalize on mainframe computer resources by combining GT Software’s Ivory products and Merlin’s consulting expertise in designing, deploying and maintaining information technology.

— Rutrell Yasin

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