WP's Davis story: Much ado about...

My sense is that has been the general reaction.But I'm going to re-read it.Meanwhile, !

So I have now read the WP's 4,350-word piece on Rep. Tom Davis... and received many an e-mail about it... and I'll post most about it over the weekend, but the general sense that people have is, "Yeah, so?" That is even in evidence in the WP.com's online chat with the reporters.

Here is one example:

Silver Springs, Md.: After reading your very lengthy story it seems that nothing improper was done here. Yes, everyone can complain that Davis' wife is paid a lot of money to work only 20 hours a week, but so are countless numbers of other people that are paid exorbitant amounts of cash because they are prominent members of the community, politics, industry etc. also, it seems as though you were unable to prove that Davis' wife had anything to do with the contract and issue central to the article. So, in the end, it seems as though no one has done anything wrong, everyone has followed the laws, the Congressional Ethics Committee said that although it could be perceived as improper, he still had done nothing wrong. It pretty much sounds like every other lobbying firm in the nation, so why the witch hunt?

I have to go to the American Idol concert