For those outside Washington, D.C., is a local cable station that focuses on Washington area news. The channel is owned by the same people who own , the local ABC network station here in D.C., so they use a lot of the same "talent." And, to be honest, I don't watch a ton o' TV -- especially local news... I'm more of a newspaper and radio guy. So I have never seen this particular program. But I'll report back on the experience.

For those of you here in the D.C. area, I will be on News Channel 8 Wednesday night. They have a program at 7:30p each night that focuses on federal news and they are doing a segment on telework. So... I'll be talking telework with News Channel 8's Beverly Kirk during the second segment. I have no idea when that will be, but...

Of course, our most recent telework story was part of our CXO Lessons Learned series:

Wired for telework [Federal Computer Week, July 10, 2006]
Federal agencies struggle to overcome reservations about a flexible work option they must offer eligible employees.

News Channel 8WJLA Channel 7

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