Lost moon tape jokes

So our Buzz of the Week this week is about the lost recordings of the historic 1969 moon landing. [Hear the audio version here or read it here... plus our weekly round-up of what happened in government IT in the past week.]

Anyway, in the Buzz, we noted that the subject seems ripe for the late night talk shows, yet nobody seemed to really pick it up. But FCW Senior Editor John Monroe is an avid listener of NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." Wait, Wait bills itself as a "weekly hour-long quiz program. Each week on the radio you can test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world while figuring out what's real news and what's made up." I'm not a regular listener, but I listen when I can.

So John noted that the missing moon records didn't go unnoticed over at Wait, Wait. The Wait, Wait folks said that Neil Armstrong's mother gave him some good advice -- to go back and retrase his giant steps for mankind until he found the tapes.

You can listen to the show for yourself here. The Moon bit is in the item titled "Who's Carl This Time, Round II."

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