Selling enterprise architecture

I started this post earlier this week, but then the week got busy, so I'm trying again...

I'm just out of FCW Events' Enterprise Architecture conference, which is taking place here in Washington, D.C. today and they just had a really good Town Meeting on (of all things) EA.

First off, they had a really good line-up of people -- Richard Burk
Manager, Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, Office of Management and Budget, Charles Havekost, HHS CIO, Randy Hite, GAO's director for IT architecture and systems issues. And, apparently at Havekost's urging, they ran the session as a "town hall," allowing the EA community to talk about the issues they are facing. Yes, we've all been to so many presentations where they say that it is going to be an interactive dialogue, but it really isn't. This was. And it was fascinating to hear.