Yes, I'm back

I'm embarassed to say I haven't posted for weeks. Inexcusable! It has been a very busy time. FCW's annual Federal List issue, which is out this week, takes a lot of time to pull together -- especially coming up with the lists and the organizations worth watching. Next year, I think we'll actually ask you for your ideas on the most influential organizations in the business of government IT.

Along those lines, we are seeking nominations for FCW's power player issue, which will come out on Oct. 30. Who are some of the most inflential people in government IT. Let me know.

I have also been working on FCW's first Rising Star awards program. Our judges have selected about 50 really remarkable people, so this should be the place to be next month if for no other reason then to find good people to hire!

Finally, I have been working our FCW's 2007 editorial calendar. As my first year in the corner office, I get to pull this together... and it is oh so fun. It is important in that we lay out the kinds of issues we are going to cover in the next 12 months, but there is always a balance. We want to lay out enough to give folks an idea what we are covering and when, but there needs to be some flexibility so we remain core to the news. So it is very fun stuff.

One thing we are changing next year is adding specific online special reports. We have never had a category for online on the editorial calendar and it is one signal as to how important the Web is. It has been for years, of course, but increasingly we are trying to ensure that print and online compliment each other. This is an issue for all of journalism, of course. You may have seen that the editor of Newsweek magazine recently shifted over to head Web stuff (yes, that's the technical term!). Ah, the Internet -- we're all still trying to figure this out.

Anyway, I'm back. Actually, I was always here, but I'm back to blogging.