FCW back on the radio

After we finished up our FCW radio show on Federal News Radio with an interview with GSA FAS Commissioner Jim Williams, we took a few weeks off... but we're back on Federal News Radio. We'll be on Monday mornings on their "Federal Drive" program with Mike Causey, the long-time columnist for the Washington Post who left for a dot-com then to join the WTOP network of stations... and Jane Norris. And we will post these on our FCW.com/multimedia site. For those of you here in DC, you can hear Federal News Radio on WFED-AM 1050. And everybody can listen online at federalnewsradio.com.

I was on Monday talking about this week's issue, which includes all the Rising Star award winners. You can hear the radio interview here.

And with any luck, FCW's summer intern Rachel Azaroff will be on the radio on Wednesday morning. She will be talking about the two pieces she has in our 10.9 issue, which includes all of our Rising Star award winners. Azaroff wrote the feature story, Hire me already!, where she talks to younger feds about the challenges new recruits face when they apply for government jobs. When she was working on the story over the summer, I was listening to her talk about what she was learning -- about how younger people look at things more horizonally rather then vertically and that the government is organized very vertically. So I asked her to write a comment piece, which also appears in this week's issue and is headlined, Forget MySpace. It's time for FedSpace.

Azaroff was a tad bit nervous, given that they talk to you live and she is a college senior. But she did an amazing job on the story, interviewing some 35 people, so she'll do just fine.