Ignatius: "Which Way to Win?"

WP columnist David Ignatius, a CJD-fav, has an interesting column this morning headlined, "Which Way to Win?" and it builds on a new book, "The Way to Win," a new book by WP political reporter John F. Harris and ABC News political analyst Mark Halperin. [More here; WP excerpts here... and Newsweek excerpts here.]

I have not read the whole book, but it make an interesting arguement that I think impacts the government community. Their point is that candidates can chose one of two ways to win -- essentially go center or to the base. And they associate these two paths with specific candidates. President Clinton aimed for the middle, while Karl Rove sees to motivate the base.

Ignatius asks the question: If the Democrats win next month, will they be the heirs of Clinton's vision of politics or of Rove's? Are we heading for unity or even sharper division?

This has an impact on the business of government because the politics of division effects how people view government workers and government work. So that among many reasons is why we'll be watching the November elections.

NEXT STORY: SGI emerges from Chapter 11