Items... Safavian, bad campaign Web sites, Registered Traveler, and Cheney

-- How can you resist a story that is headlined: . I'm not commenting, you notice.-- The Registered Traveler program is in great demand, .-- [AP via Yahoo News]-- [AP via Yahoo News]

Various items:

-- CNet has a round-up of the worst political Web sites, which leads with Rep. Chris Smith's (R-NJ) site.

The worst political Web sites

The problem in selecting the most ridiculous, poorly crafted, or just plain bizarre political Web sites is an embarrassment of riches: There are so many worthy contenders. But whatever the criteria, the Web site of Rep. Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican who's running for re-election, would qualify. Anyone thinking of putting up a Web site that's devoid of actual content should skip the project instead on grounds of sheer embarrassment. (We took the accompanying screen snapshot last week. This week, the Web site has changed to become even less useful.)
--Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache

Cheney compared to Darth Vader

USAToday reports

Ten of the USA's busiest airports have asked the federal government if they can start Registered Traveler programs that would give pre-screened passengers a shortcut through security lines.

New e-mail scam using FBI name

Safavian fights to avoid jail time